Rules & Regulations

Entry Requirements and Registration

Dance Categories

  • Classical Ballet Solo 
  • Contemporary  Solo
  • Pas de Deux
  • Classical Duet 
  • Contemporary Duet 
  • Small Classical Ensemble (3 – 6 participants) 
  • Big Classical Ensemble (7+ participants)
  • Small Contemporary Ensemble (3 – 6 participants)
  • Big Contemporary Ensembles (7+ participants)

Participants may show a maximum of two pieces in each category.
For example, the same dancer can perform: 2 Classical Solos, 2 Contemporary Solos, 2 Classical Duets, 2 Contemporary Duets, 2 Small Classical Ensembles, 2 Small Contemporary Ensembles, 2 Big Classical Ensembles, 2 Big Contemporary Ensembles, 2 Pas de Deux.

Age Categories

Ages to be taken as of 1 July 2024.

Petite6 – 8 years oldborn between 2/7/2015 and 1/7/2018
Primary9 – 11 years oldborn between 2/7/2012 and 1/7/2015
Junior12 – 14 years oldborn between 2/7/2009 and 1/7/2012
Senior15 -17 years oldborn between 2/7/2006 and 1/7/2009
Professional18 – 23 years oldborn between 2/7/2000 and 1/7/2006

Participants in the Petite and Primary categories may not perform on pointe; participants in the Junior category are encouraged to perform on pointe but it is the choice of the participant.

In the Classical Category participants in Petite category are free to choose between the Classical Repertoire or a free variation. We advise to choose age appropriate choreography.
In Classical Category participants in Primary, Junior and Professional Categories must perform Classical Repertoire Variation of their choice. 
Classical Pas de Deux Primary Category Variations are not allowed, Coda is optional (age appropriate adaptation are recommended) 
Classical Pas de Deux Junior Category Variations and Coda are optional
Classical Pas de Deux Seniors and Professional Variations and Coda are mandatory.

Time Limits

With the exception of Pas de Deux where the original length of the piece is to be used, the following are maximum time limits for each piece. Music submitted which exceeds this limit will be stopped at the points indicated below.

Solo2 minutes 30 seconds
Duet3 minutes 30 seconds
Small Ensemble4 minutes
Big Ensemble5 minutes
Pas de deuxOriginal length

Music Submissions

Participants/their teachers are responsible for obtaining the music copyright of the dance pieces they perform and it must be indicated on the application form that this has been undertaken. All music must to be submitted by email in an MP3 no later than Thursday 20 June 2024 (one piece of music per email) to: [email protected]

MP3 files must be identified as follows:
Participant name(s)/Age and Dance Categories/Title of Piece

Every email must have the subject of the email as Music and the body of text must contain a completed version of the following table:

Name of Participant(s) for Solo/Duet/Pas de Deux or School for Small/Large Ensemble
Title of entry
Type of entry
Running time
M (music first) or P (pose first)

A backup USB for each piece must be kept available by each participant and/or their representative at all times.
Participants must notify in advance the sound technician or backstage manager of any irregularities in the music (pauses, sudden volume changes, etc.).

Registrations forms and deadlines

All applications must be received using the hyperlink to registration form no later than Monday 17 June 2024. Entries will be confirmed by email on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

Late applications will not be accepted.

Participants should ensure that they hold appropriate health and travel insurance for the duration of the competition. Ballet Grand Prix Tallinn does not take any responsibility for its provision.

Financial Regulations

All fees must be paid in full at the point of registration. Registrations will be approved by Ballet Grand Prix Tallinn after the whole payment has been received only. 

Registration Fees

Registration Fee30€
Pas de deux40€ per dancer
Duet35€ per dancer

Small Ensemble30€ per dancer
Big Ensemble20€ per dancer

It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure the correct and full amount is received.

Registration fees are non-refundable.

Only in cases of illness or injury to a participant, confirmed by doctor’s certificate before the competition begins will a partial refund of 30% of the total fees be given. Entries will not be transferred to a future competition.

Communications, Schedule and Competition Structure

All entries to the competition will be confirmed with the registrant on Monday 10 June 2024. If there are any issues with the application, fees or music submission, these will be raised within 5 working days of receipt of the application.

All communication with participants and teachers will be by email in the first instance but participants should also follow the Competition’s social media channels where information will be cross posted and short notice changes, e.g., delays in running time, may be posted first.


Workshops given by the judges are included in the participation fee;
attendance at workshops is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
Participants must confirm their interest in the workshops when registering for the competition.
Only the participants who have previously confirmed their interest will be allowed to enter the workshops. 

If a participant has indicated at application that they do not want to participate in the workshops but change their mind on arrival, if there are places left in the workshop they can be made available for an additional charge.

An email with the workshop schedule will be sent to all participants 2 weeks prior to the Competition.

Backstage Access

All participants are allowed to enter the BackStage and Dressing Room areas by showing their BackStage Passes.
Note that each BackStage Pass is valid for only that specific participant. All Passes will be handed out in the welcome bag during check in.

Each school will receive a maximum of 2 Teachers Backstage Passes.

Competition Entrance

Entrance to the auditorium for all participants and their teachers is free of charge with their backstage pass.
For security purposes the number of persons inside the Auditorium will be limited.

Tickets can be bought at the theatre for 5€ per day for other spectators.

Rehearsals, Open Stage and Competition Schedules

Schools and participants will be advised of the above schedules at the same time as the workshop schedule is confirmed. There may be some variance in the advertised schedules on the day of the competition and these will be communicated to participants as soon as they are known either by e-mail or the competition’s social media channels.

The competition schedule will also be posted to the website.

Teachers are responsible for ensuring that their students are stage ready at least 30 minutes in advance of their performance.

Stage Craft

All participants will have the same stage light during the whole competition.

Due to space limitations backstage only small props which can be carried by the participant will be allowed.

Full costumes are not compulsory, participants may perform in simple practice clothing, e.g. leotard and skirt or t-shirt and tights if preferred.

Scoring and Prizes


Judges will receive a list of participant numbers per category and the titles of the pieces being performed. They will not receive any further information regarding names of participants or their schools until all pieces in that category have been performed.

The scoring system is based on a 100-points system and includes points for artistry, technical skills and potential of each participant. A sample score sheet will be published on our website ahead of the competition.

Female and male Soloists will be evaluated separately within the solo categories.
The total score for the participant is the average of all the judges scores.
The minimum score to achieve any award (see below) will be decided by the Judges.
The Judges’ decisions are final and non-negotiable.

All scores and Judges’ feedback will be sent by e-mail to the participant’s school to inform future performances.

Prize Ceremony and Gala

Prizes will be awarded at the end of the Competition.

The awards ceremony will be live streamed so participants can be supported around the world by friends and family.

The judges will decide which pieces will be performed at the Gala.

Tickets for in-person attendance at the Gala must be bought in advance and will be strictly limited. 

Prizes and scholarships

Prizes will be available as follows:

Grand Prix 500€
(across all categories)

For each category:

1st place

2nd place

3rd place

Promising Young Dancer Award 500€

Choreography Award  500€

In addition scholarships to prestigious ballet schools (to be announced nearer the time) will be awarded to selected participants.

Apprenticeships with potential to lead to a full contract (to be announced nearer the time).

All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Code of Conduct

Participants and teachers are expected to treat all other participants, teachers, judges and competition staff with respect. 

Damage to the auditorium and backstage areas is not permitted and any repairs required will be charged to the participant causing the damage

GDPR and Social Media

Data Protection

In Estonia, all derogations / additional requirements to the GDPR are provided in the new Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and the Personal Data Protection Implementation Act (Implementation Act). The new PDPA was adopted by the Estonian parliament on December 12, 2018 and entered into force on January 15, 2019. 

All personal data of schools and participants will be stored securely. Participants will be identified by the registration number only throughout the competition.


Participants agree upon registration to be featured on the competition’s social media channels. Participants who do not wish to be featured should indicate this on their registration form and their worn number will include a symbol to indicate that they should not be featured in workshop or backstage photography or video footage.

Participants should ensure that they obtain appropriate consent before posting to social media any images or videos containing other participants.

Filming and photography by participants in workshops is strictly prohibited. 

Teachers may be permitted to film open stage sessions but should take care to preserve the privacy of participants who are not their own students.